A clean energy alternative we can't afford to waste
Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is biogas that has been upgraded and refined to a quality interchangeable with conventional natural gas and can therefore be used in existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure to distribute to customers. RNG is safe when used to fuel vehicles or heat homes and businesses the same way as conventional natural gas.
One of the biggest benefits of RNG is that it is considered carbon neutral because it is produced from organic sources that would otherwise decay and create emissions. The process of capturing and utilizing biogas results in reduced GHG emissions, making RNG a clean, reliable energy source that will help society transition to tomorrow’s greener energy future.
CONNECT with us
If you have an RNG project to connect into our pipeline network for transportation and distribution, reach out to us. One of our Commercial Account Managers will be sure to connect with you.
Please note: ATCO Gas is a natural gas distribution company. We build and operate the infrastructure responsible for distributing natural gas. We do not sell gas as a commodity. If you are interested in learning more about purchasing natural gas, please visit UCA helps.

The decomposition of organic material is a naturally occurring process where methane, an extremely harmful greenhouse gas when released into the atmosphere, is produced. RNG production captures this methane, preventing it from otherwise escaping into the Earth’s atmosphere thereby reducing the potential greenhouse gas’ harmful impact.
The RNG produced as a result of capturing and refining biogas is a renewable energy source that can essentially act as a replacement for conventional emissions-producing fuel sources like conventional natural gas and diesel. The greenhouse gases are displaced without incremental emissions. This makes RNG a key contributor to the circular energy economy, reducing carbon footprints and playing a part in slowing climate change.
We operate an extensive gas distribution network across Alberta, to which RNG can be injected, transported and distributed from. Our network is interconnected with the Nova Gas Transmission Ltd. (NGTL) system, which means we can facilitate getting the injected RNG to AECO/Nova Inventory Transfer (NIT), one of the largest Canadian natural gas trading hubs, which has access to transport gas virtually anywhere across North America.