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ATCO Australia - Gas Division

Gas Services

ATCO Australia provides a variety of easy-to-use self-service tools to help customers efficiently manage their gas needs. Our online services simplify the process of submitting notifications and lodging service requests.

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Commercial Connection Estimates

A Commercial Connection Estimate is an informal estimate to provide a price indication for a gas connection for commercial customers. 

Commercial Connection Requests

A Commercial Connection Request is a retailer request by for a formal quote for works to establish a new commercial gas connection. 

Permanent Disconnections

Where you wish to permanently disconnect your property from the gas distribution system (permanent disconnection) and you do not have an active account with your retailer. 

PLS Alterations

If you need to relocate your Pre Laid Service (PLS) or need to temporarily disconnect or reconnect your PLS service. Please note, this form is for CCF Contractors only. 

Critical Asset Notifications

When conducting works in the vicinity of ATCO Australia's gas infrastructure it is important to notify ATCO Australia of these works. 

Engineering Enquiries

Our Engineering Enquiries team is here to assist you with expert advice on safely working around our gas infrastructure or requesting alterations to the gas network. 

Meter and Service Alterations

If you need to relocate your gas meter, gas service or need to temporarily disconnect or re-connect your gas service, please complete an Alteration Request Form. 

Open Trench Bookings

For developers, builders, or gas fitters that need to install multiple gas connections on a residential or commercial premises please complete an Open Trench Booking Form. 

Feedback & Complaints

At ATCO Australia, we will always strive to ensure you receive a high level of service when interacting with us. We realise from time to time we may not always meet your expectations but would like to hear from you in an effort to improve and learn from your experience. 

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