Gas outages and planned works that might impact gas supply in affected areas. Events will be updated as gas outages are reported and throughout a planned works project where customers gas supply may be affected.
A Gas Outage is an unexpected interruption to the gas supply for homes and business within the affected area. ATCO Australia respond to gas outages according to priority, with most outages restored within a matter of hours.
Planned Works are works that ATCO Australia are undertaking, sometimes over a large area such as a whole suburb. In order to maintain a reliable gas supply to homes and businesses, we sometimes have to carry out planned maintenance and therefore may need to temporarily interrupt your gas supply. Where planned interruptions occur you will be notified.
For more information on projects, see our project section.
For more information on the WA gas network, see our network section.
For more information on your gas meter, see our meter section.
Report a gas leak online. Gas is a flammable substance with a distinctive odour, similar to rotten eggs. The rotten egg smell is added to natural gas to help you detect gas leaks. If you can smell rotten eggs, it could be a gas leak.
If you smell gas and are inside a building, always eliminate ignition sources (don?t smoke, use electrical appliances, light switches or mobile phones) and move away from the area quickly, then call ATCO Australia on 13 13 52.
If you smell gas and are not inside a building, you can report the smell of gas online via the Gas Leak Reporting form.
When used properly, natural gas is a reliable, safe and efficient source of energy for your home or business.
If you detect a rotten egg smell it could be a gas leak.
Leave the area and don't use anything that might cause a spark, such as a mobile phone, electrical switch or matches.
Call the ATCO Faults & Emergencies number on 131352*.
*Local call free from anywhere in the state excluding mobiles.